Saturday, February 4, 2012

From the mouths of 4 year old boys...

Jake: Mom, I know what romantic means.
Me: Oh really? What?
Jake: It means beautiful.
Me: Um, not exactly. Where did you hear that word anyway?
Jake: I'm not really sure
.....and then runs back to playing.....

While eating ice cream....
Jake: This is delish
Parker: You're right, bro.

While listening to music on my phone....
Parker: Mom, is it ok if I say the word sexy
Me: Um, no. No, it's not
Parker: How come?
Me: Well, it isn't really appropriate for a 4 year old and you should have no reason to use that word.

Later while working out...
Brock: Boys, isn't your mommy sexy?
Parker: Yes!
Brock: No, no only I can say that. You don't say that about your mom.
Parker: Why?
Brock: Because she's my wife
Parker: But she's my mom...

Talk about confusing the poor kid


Anonymous said...

Oh my god this is my favorite so far! I love listening to what kids this age have to say...they are hilarious!! I love Brock's contribution..classic! Those boys are too darn cute!


Darcie Johnson said...

LOL on the last one especially, too funny!

Anonymous said...
