Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Pre-k, so far...

I hate that I haven't documented how the boys have been doing in Pre-k. Sure I have pictures but I don't have written down any of their happenings so let me try to catch up here...
The night before the very first day of school Jake woke up puking. He slept through Parker getting up and us getting him ready. We asked Parker if he would be ok going to school without his brother and at first he hesitated, but then said "yes, I'll be brave!" So I stayed home with a very sick Jake and Brock took Parker to his first day of school, without his brother and without his mommy to walk him in.
I lost my shit. So unbelievably proud of my brave baby, but so miserably sad and nervous for him. I missed bringing him to his first day and not being able to share his pain with him as he sat down alone in a new classroom. My heart was utterly broken.
One sick kid missing his first day of school and the other one going ALONE! Jake woke up to me crying. Perfect!
Parker had a great day though. So brave!

On the second day of school I picked them up and their teacher said to me, I need to talk to you. Alrighty!
Apparently there was a boy in their class that liked to scream when he didn't get his way. And apparently that caused my boys to burst into tears. She wanted to make me aware that she spoke to his mother about it. 4 and a half months later and this kid is still causing issues in the classroom.

Jake suddenly developed a preference for a pair of skinny jeans that I bought him the previous year. Such a preference that he started to wear Parker's pair bc I wouldn't let him wear the same pair everyday. I then had to go buy him another pair in a different color so it wouldnt look like he WAS wearing the same jeans everyday but then he stopped wearing the original ones and went on to wear the new ones everyday. Awesome. He also refused to wear his class shirt or school shirt for he preferred collared button down shirts. Well excuuuuuse me!
The skinny jean obsession has ended since then.

They really enjoy school and love their teachers and their friends. They're not super enthusiastic about writing or reading though. Perhaps I should do something about that.

Last week the school had Community Helpers come in and talk to the kids about their jobs. Here's Parker in what the nurse gave out to them....


That wasn't a whole lot of filling in the blanks. I'm missing so much. Perfect reason for starting the blog again....


Anonymous said...

love those little fellas.

Darcie Johnson said...

Love the outfit Parker!