Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Pre-k, so far...

I hate that I haven't documented how the boys have been doing in Pre-k. Sure I have pictures but I don't have written down any of their happenings so let me try to catch up here...
The night before the very first day of school Jake woke up puking. He slept through Parker getting up and us getting him ready. We asked Parker if he would be ok going to school without his brother and at first he hesitated, but then said "yes, I'll be brave!" So I stayed home with a very sick Jake and Brock took Parker to his first day of school, without his brother and without his mommy to walk him in.
I lost my shit. So unbelievably proud of my brave baby, but so miserably sad and nervous for him. I missed bringing him to his first day and not being able to share his pain with him as he sat down alone in a new classroom. My heart was utterly broken.
One sick kid missing his first day of school and the other one going ALONE! Jake woke up to me crying. Perfect!
Parker had a great day though. So brave!

On the second day of school I picked them up and their teacher said to me, I need to talk to you. Alrighty!
Apparently there was a boy in their class that liked to scream when he didn't get his way. And apparently that caused my boys to burst into tears. She wanted to make me aware that she spoke to his mother about it. 4 and a half months later and this kid is still causing issues in the classroom.

Jake suddenly developed a preference for a pair of skinny jeans that I bought him the previous year. Such a preference that he started to wear Parker's pair bc I wouldn't let him wear the same pair everyday. I then had to go buy him another pair in a different color so it wouldnt look like he WAS wearing the same jeans everyday but then he stopped wearing the original ones and went on to wear the new ones everyday. Awesome. He also refused to wear his class shirt or school shirt for he preferred collared button down shirts. Well excuuuuuse me!
The skinny jean obsession has ended since then.

They really enjoy school and love their teachers and their friends. They're not super enthusiastic about writing or reading though. Perhaps I should do something about that.

Last week the school had Community Helpers come in and talk to the kids about their jobs. Here's Parker in what the nurse gave out to them....


That wasn't a whole lot of filling in the blanks. I'm missing so much. Perfect reason for starting the blog again....

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Two Little Monkeys Jumping in the gym...

Parker on the balance beam...

Parker flipping. Took him a few tries to feel secure enough to do this. He still puts his hands the wrong way so he doesn't feel like he'll fall.

Jake on balance beam...

Poor little Nolan doing his own thing, he gets lost in the crowd...


Parker and Coach Krissa...

Nolan and Coach Debbie...

Jake saying, "Don't drop me! Don't drop me!"

They looooooooove gymnastics

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Leader of the Week!


I hope the video works.

He was nervous, but did great. SO PROUD OF OUR JAKER!!!!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Don't freak out Grammy...




P.S. - For those of you that want to leave a comment, just choose anonymous as your user and then sign your name at the end of your comment. Sorry for the inconvenience, I don't know why it's not working properly, but thanks for commenting! :)

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

My Babies They'll Be

Each week at school one student from each grade is chosen as The Leader of the Week. They are recognized on the schools morning announcements for standing out that week for one reason or another. In the beginning of the year Parker was chosen for cheering up a classmate that was missing her momma and crying. He stood in front of the camera and cheered himself on with pride. I cried. It was a big deal.
Today when I picked up the boys their teacher informed me that Parker would be on TV this week as Leader of the Week. Jake immediately looked at me and I knew what he was thinking. I praised Parker and I asked Jake if it made him sad and he said no. On the drive home my heart was breaking for Jake knowing that he hadn't yet been selected as a Leader and his brother was getting a second turn. When we pulled into the garage I again asked him if he was sad and his little chin started to quiver and his eyes welled up and he said, "a little!"
I asked him if it was because he hadn't yet had a turn and he said yes. I told him well we should still be proud of Parker but I'll ask your teacher if everyone gets a turn. He was satisfied with that. My head started racing and my heart started pounding. My poor baby was heartbroken. He WAS proud of his brother but dang it he wanted to be recognized too! What the hell?!!What do I say to his teacher?
As we're walking into the house my phone rings and sure enough it's their teacher. She apologizes and tells me that it IS Jake's turn! She got confused in car circle and told me it was Parker by mistake and she knows he already received his award in the beginning of the year and they try to give every student a turn etc etc.
PHEW! I was so relieved that I didn't have to initiate that conversation with her, but more so that my poor sweet baby was getting his turn!!! And that I didn't have to somehow explain to him that his brother gets two awards when he hasn't gotten one yet. Ugh.
He tried so hard to be tough and hide his disappointment in the car. I just wanted to squeeze him and protect him and make it all better. That's all I want to do for the rest of their lives

Monday, January 23, 2012

The start of a new chapter

So I ended my last blog, Smurfet & Company, with mixed emotions. I loved having a place to call my own where I could post pictures of my children, update my family and friends on our latest adventure, vent about the challenges of being a stay at home mom, and brag (or sometimes complain) about my husband. I closed that blogging chapter of my life not because I wanted to, because at the time I felt like I had to, for my own privacy. But now, six months later, I'm ready to share my life on the internet again! I regret letting so much time pass without documenting it.

So here we go!

I admit to allowing the boys to occasionally listen to or watch inappropriate material on our Ipods and TV. And when I say inappropriate I don't mean what you're thinking! I mean they don't even really know or understand what they're hearing. They don't know when someone says a bad word unless we point it out to them by saying, "Don't ever say that!" So yesterday Parker came to me tattling on Jake saying he was taking too long changing his Mii (that's what they do now, rather than playing the actual games on the Wii, they edit and create new characters with hilarious features, but I digress), he complained to me and then said, "what a jerk!" I then proceeded to gasp and say "NO SIR!" He burst into tears and ran upstairs to hide.
I had to stop laughing before going up to talk to him about it. Once I pulled myself together I asked him where he had heard that and he told me Cars 2. So I scolded my child for repeating something he heard on a Disney movie?? When did Disney become "inappropriate"? My point is they don't even know what a jerk is. So how can I feel guilty or not allow them to watch a Disney movie? At what age do you just explain to them that there are some things they may hear that they are not allowed to repeat? Most of what's on TV right now is either too "babyish" for them, or seriously too inappropriate with shooting or monsters or kissing or midriff showing girls....
And that's my rant for the day.
