Here's a story, of a lovely lady (me), who was bringing up identical twin boys...
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Crafty boys
So my super summer challenge of doing something GREAT every day didn't exactly go as planned or hoped for, but overall it was great. In addition to going to all sorts of fun places we also did some crafty things. A couple of which Jake initiated all by himself
My apologies for how wickedly unhappy he looks here. I don't even remember why he looks this way, but Parker in the background is pretty funny! Anyway, he made a sock puppet by taping lego pieces to make a face. 
Stringing popcorn and macaroni noodle necklaces. Of course they ate more than they strung. Is that a word? 
Jake constructed vehicles out of tupperware, jewelry boxes, crayons, pencils, tape and legos....etc
We did a Home Depot workshop where they built and painted moving trucks. That was awesome
And here's a drawing of Cousin Tate flowboarding that we sent to him at sleep away camp. I wish we had done more crafty things, but I'm not gonna lie, I prefered leaving the house and going somewhere than staying home to do such things. Oh well. We still had a great and memorable summer.
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
An end of the summer trip to the zoo
and I think we spent more time in the gift shop than we did looking at animals, but whatever. It wasn't 9,000 degrees in the gift shop.
It's a shame Sponge Bob made it into this picture but Baby Parker did not...
There he is, although not looking at the camera...
How cool is that? Nolan let the deer lick his hand too and then he proceded to lick his own hand afterwards. Gaga or Doc McStuffins must not have traumatized him about germs yet... 
Parky held a hermit crab while a creepy one winged owl kept a close eye on us. It was a HOT, but fun way to end the summer.
I obviously need to fix my layout here with the pictures and text. Everything is coming out all wrong. Hopefully my next post will look right...
I obviously need to fix my layout here with the pictures and text. Everything is coming out all wrong. Hopefully my next post will look right...
Saturday, August 25, 2012
Daddy goes to college
Friday, August 24, 2012
Kindergarten! Holy crap
Ok I know I have three months to catch up on prior to Kindergarten but I feel like I need to start with this and work my way backwards...
Being a stay at home mom is a struggle. For obvious (I think) reasons. This summer I devoted my time to the boys dedicated to make it a great summer together before they went off to Kindergarten. It was a loooooooong summer and though we stayed pretty busy, we were ALL ready to be done with it. But nothing could have prepared me for the heartbreak of their first day of school. Sure I figured I'd cry, just as I did every other first day of school for them since they were 2.5, but as the first day approached and nerves crept in and just the thought of it made me cry, I feared the actual first day would be a doozy. And man was it ever. I sat at my kitchen table and sobbed like someone had just died. It was kind of ridiculous. My heart was completley broken! As a SAHM mom I DREAMED of breaks and alone time and quiet. I thought Kindergarten would be my medal for surviving it all. I earned it.
But no. It was more like a punch to the stomach. My babies were gone. Away from me. All day. Without ME!!!! How can that be?? It's not right!! They're MINE!!! I grew them. And they're supposed to be with ME!
And five days later as I sit here writing this, tears still drip off my chin because it just feels STRANGE. Did I spend enough time with them? Did i do a good enough job? Do they know how much I love them? Will they be ok without me? Could I have done anything different? Better? The babies that I wanted more than anything...that I prayed wouldn't die inside my belly...that i was fortunate enough to stay home with every single day...did I take them for granted? Did I complain too much...yell at them too often?
Well. We have made it through our first week.
Day 1 -
The above picture is where Parker started to cry for the first time of the day. The teachers instructions to put their backpacks, lunchboxes and water bottles away were too quick for him and he couldn't keep up. How I didnt run over and grab everything and do it all for him I don't know.
Their teacher said they're very eager to please and Jake wears his heart on his sleeve. They've cried every day for one reason or another and that about rips my heart out.
Wednesday, July 4, 2012
Monday, July 2, 2012
Thursday, June 28, 2012
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
Memorial Day Vacay
With Brock at school all day on Saturdays we have little opportunity to do fun family stuff. Having off for Memorial Day, we decided to take a little staycation close to home.
ok so not the best pictures in the world. And not our best family vacay either, but still lots of fun and so nice just to be together. We swam A LOT. Jake accidentally almost drowned Parker, which was bad. We waited an hour to roast s'mores that the boys ended up not even liking. And the pool was filled to capacity. It was like Caddyshack full. We kept looking for a doodie :)But memories are memories, right?
Monday, June 18, 2012
Sight Words
Thursday, June 14, 2012
Parker and I are emotionally exhausted
So Girl Next Door comes over today while I'm in the playroom with the boys assembling a LEGO steam roller for Jake. She lays around on the floor quietly waiting for their attention. Grampy calls on the phone and she seizes the opportunity to whisk them out of the room while I'm distracted. They go downstairs to color and I'm pleased that Jake is participating and everyone is getting along. I come down after my phone call and then Parker and GND go upstairs to play Alvin and the Chipmunks. Jake does not follow.
After a while Jake says he's going up to see what they're doing. I hear him say, "Can I Play?" GND says, "Yes, but (I'm assuming to Parker she says,) don't let him see us kiss!" SAY WHAT?!?!
I walk over to the bottom of the stairs and eavesdrop. I hear GND telling Jake that they're playing wedding. So I walk up halfway and catch Parker and GND in the hallway and I ask them what they're doing. They say they're playing Alvin and the Chipmunks. Uh-huh, what else, I ask. GND says, "nothing, come on Parker." Um excuse me, I'm talking to my kid, don't tell him come on!. WTF? So I tell Parker to come downstairs. I asked him what they're doing. He finally chokes out that they're playing wedding and they're pretending to get married. They're pretend boyfriend/girlfriend. I said, "Are you kissing??" He said, "'GND' just kisses the top of my head and we hug." "Yeah, no, that needs to stop. You don't need to be doing any of that. And keep the door open!!", I said. "Ok Mom!", and he runs back upstairs.
Obviously my five year old boy did not conjure up this game of make believe. This hussy is sneaky! I do not like it! I come downstairs to think about all the reasons and ways that this situation is so not cool.
The game ends and they come back down to play Wii. Have I mentioned that GND has been here for three hours with no check-in from her parents? Yeah, that's how it works. Nice, huh? Suddenly, Parker comes into the kitchen and bursts into tears. What happened??, I ask. He crawls into my lap and buries his face in my neck and says, "'GND' said she thinks my Mii is ugly!!" Ugh. "Oh buddy, that wasn't very nice, was it? Does that hurt your feelings?", I asked. "Uh-huh. Riddle me this, Mom...when you say something not nice Santa is listening and she's not gonna get a present for Christmas now!" Whoa. Riddle me this? Santa? His wheels are spinning. Still not sure what to say yet, I just rubbed his back and told him I was sorry. He said, "It's not nice when she tells me what to do all the time." I said, "Well, that's probably why she and Jake don't get along, bc Jake doesn't tolerate being told what to do. That's not fun for him so he'd rather play with me or by himself and that's ok! You don't have to do any of the things she wants you to do." He said, "But she told me that if I don't she'll never play with me again!" Mother Fu..... I said, "Well, why would you want to be friends with someone that's so bossy anyway? That's not very fair of her don't you think? She shouldn't be threatening you like that. It's not very nice" He said, "I don't think she is very nice." I asked him if he wanted me to tell her the playdate was over and he said yes. So I kicked her ass to the curb and went back to console my heart broken baby. I tried to explain to him that sometimes it shouldn't matter what other people think. As long as you like your Wii and you're proud of it then that's all that matters. You know better than to say hurtful things to people and I'm sorry she hurt your feelings. He just cried and hugged me and said that I'm his best friend :( He was SO affected. I couldn't believe it. I don't know if her opinion really meant something to him or he was just surprised she would say something like that to him. He was so distraught though. My poor thing. I am seriously going to struggle if/when some 16 year old that thinks she's got the world figured out and her sh*t don't stink treats my boys in any way that hurts them. How will this Mama Bear not pounce?!
Do bears pounce.....?
After a while Jake says he's going up to see what they're doing. I hear him say, "Can I Play?" GND says, "Yes, but (I'm assuming to Parker she says,) don't let him see us kiss!" SAY WHAT?!?!
I walk over to the bottom of the stairs and eavesdrop. I hear GND telling Jake that they're playing wedding. So I walk up halfway and catch Parker and GND in the hallway and I ask them what they're doing. They say they're playing Alvin and the Chipmunks. Uh-huh, what else, I ask. GND says, "nothing, come on Parker." Um excuse me, I'm talking to my kid, don't tell him come on!. WTF? So I tell Parker to come downstairs. I asked him what they're doing. He finally chokes out that they're playing wedding and they're pretending to get married. They're pretend boyfriend/girlfriend. I said, "Are you kissing??" He said, "'GND' just kisses the top of my head and we hug." "Yeah, no, that needs to stop. You don't need to be doing any of that. And keep the door open!!", I said. "Ok Mom!", and he runs back upstairs.
Obviously my five year old boy did not conjure up this game of make believe. This hussy is sneaky! I do not like it! I come downstairs to think about all the reasons and ways that this situation is so not cool.
The game ends and they come back down to play Wii. Have I mentioned that GND has been here for three hours with no check-in from her parents? Yeah, that's how it works. Nice, huh? Suddenly, Parker comes into the kitchen and bursts into tears. What happened??, I ask. He crawls into my lap and buries his face in my neck and says, "'GND' said she thinks my Mii is ugly!!" Ugh. "Oh buddy, that wasn't very nice, was it? Does that hurt your feelings?", I asked. "Uh-huh. Riddle me this, Mom...when you say something not nice Santa is listening and she's not gonna get a present for Christmas now!" Whoa. Riddle me this? Santa? His wheels are spinning. Still not sure what to say yet, I just rubbed his back and told him I was sorry. He said, "It's not nice when she tells me what to do all the time." I said, "Well, that's probably why she and Jake don't get along, bc Jake doesn't tolerate being told what to do. That's not fun for him so he'd rather play with me or by himself and that's ok! You don't have to do any of the things she wants you to do." He said, "But she told me that if I don't she'll never play with me again!" Mother Fu..... I said, "Well, why would you want to be friends with someone that's so bossy anyway? That's not very fair of her don't you think? She shouldn't be threatening you like that. It's not very nice" He said, "I don't think she is very nice." I asked him if he wanted me to tell her the playdate was over and he said yes. So I kicked her ass to the curb and went back to console my heart broken baby. I tried to explain to him that sometimes it shouldn't matter what other people think. As long as you like your Wii and you're proud of it then that's all that matters. You know better than to say hurtful things to people and I'm sorry she hurt your feelings. He just cried and hugged me and said that I'm his best friend :( He was SO affected. I couldn't believe it. I don't know if her opinion really meant something to him or he was just surprised she would say something like that to him. He was so distraught though. My poor thing. I am seriously going to struggle if/when some 16 year old that thinks she's got the world figured out and her sh*t don't stink treats my boys in any way that hurts them. How will this Mama Bear not pounce?!
Do bears pounce.....?
Friday, May 18, 2012
Hilarious phone conversation
On Mothers Day...
Jake: Hi Grammy! Happy Mothers Day!
Grammy: Thank you!
Jake: What are you going to do today?
Grammy: Well I have to give Gramma Honey a bath
Jake: You're gonna give her a bath????!!!
Grammy: (laughing) yes
---Brock and I cracking up---
Me: Mom that's very confusing!!
Jake: Yeah, that's very confusing. I guess because she's so old......
Jake: Hi Grammy! Happy Mothers Day!
Grammy: Thank you!
Jake: What are you going to do today?
Grammy: Well I have to give Gramma Honey a bath
Jake: You're gonna give her a bath????!!!
Grammy: (laughing) yes
---Brock and I cracking up---
Me: Mom that's very confusing!!
Jake: Yeah, that's very confusing. I guess because she's so old......
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
Monday, May 14, 2012
The Girl Next Door...
My boys are five and I already have a cute little blonde ringing the bell asking if they could play. Daily. She's a sweet little girl though and they all play nicely together. In fact, I'm getting this blog post done right now because they're creating mii characters on the wii and cracking up.
In the TV room I have the boys class pictures displayed and they must have been looking at them or talking about them because the little girl said, "I think Jake has a cuter smile." Oh no, I thought. How will that have made Parky feel? Is this the beginning of fighting over girls and jealousy and hurt feelings? MY feelings were hurt for him! He blew it off though and they went on with their business. I can't stand the thought of a girl breaking my babies hearts. I'll have to hurt her. Or scare the daylights out of her. Or both.
In the TV room I have the boys class pictures displayed and they must have been looking at them or talking about them because the little girl said, "I think Jake has a cuter smile." Oh no, I thought. How will that have made Parky feel? Is this the beginning of fighting over girls and jealousy and hurt feelings? MY feelings were hurt for him! He blew it off though and they went on with their business. I can't stand the thought of a girl breaking my babies hearts. I'll have to hurt her. Or scare the daylights out of her. Or both.
Friday, May 11, 2012
Mother's Day Luau
Thursday, May 10, 2012
They may look alike....
but boy are they different!!!
So Jake is clearly my child. The emotional, intense, reactive one. Parker is way laid back and rational. Clearly, UNlike his mother. Jake explodes and yells at Parker and antagonizes him and is just sometimes not very nice. Yesterday in the pool Jake is shooting his water gun at Parker and Parker repeatedly tells him to stop. Jake does not stop. I wait for Parker to stick up for himself, he doesn't. I TELL Parker to stick up for himself, he doesn't. Jake keeps at it and Parker just keeps saying stop. Finally, I took the water gun away from Jake and told him he's not being very nice and he's not listening either.
Later I asked Parker why he lets Jake treat him that way. Why he won't turn around and make Jake stop. And he shoots back at me, "Because! If I do that then he'll just do it back to me again!! One day, I want to teach my brother some justice."
I'm not really sure what he meant by that, but it was pretty damn funny to hear.
I also told Jake he better hope there's not a kid in kindergarten that treats him the way he treats Parker. Should have seen his face drop.....
So Jake is clearly my child. The emotional, intense, reactive one. Parker is way laid back and rational. Clearly, UNlike his mother. Jake explodes and yells at Parker and antagonizes him and is just sometimes not very nice. Yesterday in the pool Jake is shooting his water gun at Parker and Parker repeatedly tells him to stop. Jake does not stop. I wait for Parker to stick up for himself, he doesn't. I TELL Parker to stick up for himself, he doesn't. Jake keeps at it and Parker just keeps saying stop. Finally, I took the water gun away from Jake and told him he's not being very nice and he's not listening either.
Later I asked Parker why he lets Jake treat him that way. Why he won't turn around and make Jake stop. And he shoots back at me, "Because! If I do that then he'll just do it back to me again!! One day, I want to teach my brother some justice."
I'm not really sure what he meant by that, but it was pretty damn funny to hear.
I also told Jake he better hope there's not a kid in kindergarten that treats him the way he treats Parker. Should have seen his face drop.....
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
Saturday, April 14, 2012
My 5 year olds vocabulary
While pushing the handicap button on the entry doors at Macy's, Parker says, "The door closes automatically."
While coloring crafts from a birthday party, Jake says, "Look mom, we're working very diligently."
While coloring crafts from a birthday party, Jake says, "Look mom, we're working very diligently."
Thursday, April 12, 2012
A Family First: Ice Skating!
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